Gynaecological Care
Womens Health

I have a broad knowledge of all facets within gynaecology and can provide holistic care for women of all ages who may need help with:

  • Cervical screening and colposcopy

  • Contraception

  • Menstrual disorders

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 

  • Uterine Fibroids

  • Pelvic pain and endometriosis

  • Infertility and miscarriage

  • Menopause and post menopausal bleeding


During your initial consultation a full medical history will be taken and a physical examination will be conducted including a cervical screening test if required. This information combined with any investigations performed by your GP will then guide discussion regarding further investigations and treatment options. Together we will explore these options to come up with a plan that you feel comfortable with. Your nominated GP will be kept informed of test results and your management plan. 

Where possible I encourage conservative treatment options rather than invasive surgery. If you do require surgery, I operate at St George Hospital and St George Private Hospital. As part of my fellowship year undertaking advanced gynaecological surgery, I have become skilled in laparoscopic (or keyhole) surgery and can offer many procedures including hysterectomy via this technique.


Helpful Links

Cervical Screening Program

* Cervical Screening Test Information


* Continence Foundation of Australia


* Australian Menopause Society

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

* Information Sheet 

Vulval symptoms and disease

* Care down there

RANZCOG Patient Information

Information pamphlets available:
* Asherman’s Syndrome
* Cervical Screening in Australia
* Chronic Pelvic Pain
* Endometrial Ablation
* Endometriosis
* Gestational Trophoblastic disease or Molar Pregnancy
* Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

* Hysterectomy
* Hysteroscopy
* Laparoscopy
* Menopause
* Pelvic Organ Prolapse
* Pudendal Neuralgia
* Stress Urinary Incontinence