Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy is an incredibly exciting (and sometimes anxious) time for a woman, and I am passionate about ensuring that I provide professional and compassionate care. Each pregnancy is different and therefore the care provided needs to be individualised. I believe in empowering women to make confident informed choices about their body and their journey. A healthy and happy mother and baby is the ultimate goal.

I look after all aspects and all types of pregnancy including:

Dr Kate Kavanagh-Patel
  • Pregnancies complicated by medical conditions such
    as diabetes or high blood pressure

  • Twin Pregnancies 

  • Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)

  • External Cephalic Version (ECV) of breech babies

  • Preconception counselling

  • Early pregnancy (including bleeding & pregnancy loss)

  • Antenatal care

  • Delivery

  • Postnatal care


Your First visit

Your first visit is usually around 7-10 weeks of pregnancy. At this visit we will have a detailed discussion about your medical history and current health. I encourage you to bring a list of any questions you may already have. I will also perform a general examination including checking your heart, lungs and thyroid and I’ll perform an ultrasound of your pregnancy to confirm your due date. It helps if you have a full bladder for the ultrasound.

After this we will talk about staying healthy during the pregnancy including diet, exercise and pregnancy supplements. We will also discuss options for first trimester genetic tests to screen for conditions such as Down Syndrome. It is usual to have some blood tests at the beginning of pregnancy to determine your blood group and screen for anaemia and infections such as HIV, hepatitis, rubella, syphillis and chickenpox. If your GP has not already arranged these for you I will do so at this visit.

If you have not yet decided in which hospital you would like to have your baby, we will discuss this at your first visit. I will also let you know how to book in to the hospital of your choosing.


What to bring to your first visit:

* A referral from your GP

* Any blood tests or ultrasounds that you have already had

* Any important information regarding your health or previous pregnancies

* A full bladder for your ultrasound scan

* A list of any questions you may have

* Your partner/support person is of course very welcome to attend all visits


Subsequent Visits

After the first visit I will see you approximately every 4 weeks until 28 weeks of pregnancy. At all of your antenatal visits you will have your blood pressure performed and I will check on the baby with an ultrasound. Please bring your antenatal card to all of your visits. At 20 weeks you will be referred for a morphology ultrasound which looks in detail at the anatomy of the baby. At 28 weeks you will have some more blood tests looking for anaemia and diabetes of pregnancy. 

From 28 to 36 weeks you will be seen every 2 weeks to make sure the pregnancy is running smoothly. We will begin to talk about the birth of your baby and what your hopes and goals may be. Please feel free to raise any concerns you have at any time. Most women do not require a formal growth ultrasound during the third trimester of pregnancy, but this will be tailored to your pregnancy and expectations.

From 36 weeks you will be seen weekly until you give birth. 

Delivering a newborn

Postnatal Follow up

After your baby is born I will see you on the postnatal ward to ensure all is well before you go home with your little one!

At 6 weeks after the birth you will have an appointment to see me for a checkup. At this visit we will discuss your recovery from the pregnancy and birth, contraception and future pregnancy planning. I will also examine you and I can take a cervical screening test if you are due for this. Long acting contraceptives such as the Mirena can be inserted at this visit if you wish. If you have concerns before your 6 week visit, please feel free to contact the rooms at any time.

On Call Arrangements

I will always be available during the week (Monday-Friday) for my patients unless I’m on holidays. Vacations are therefore planned well in advance to give you lots of notice of when I will be away. 

In an effort to achieve the elusive Work-Life Balance, I take part in an on call roster on the weekend which means I am available every third weekend. The other two weekends are covered by Dr Queeny Wong and Dr Supriya Kanitkar who are two lovely and very experienced female obstetricians in the area. 

Helpful Links

General Pregnancy Information

* Having a Baby (NSW Health)

Immunisation for Pregnancy

* Department of Health - Immunisation in Pregnancy

Medication in Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

* Mothersafe (02) 93826539


* Australian Breastfeeding Association

Baby sleep and settling

* SIDS and Kids Safe Sleeping Foundation

* Tresillian

RANZCOG Patient Information

Information pamphlets available:
* Amniocentesis
* Antenatal Care during Pregnancy 
* Assisted birth
* Breech Presentation
* Caesarean section
* Chorionic Villus Sampling
* Depression and Anxiety
* Exercise during Pregnancy
* Fetal Monitoring in Labour
* Group B Streptococcus
* Induction of Labour
* Labour and Birth

* Pain relief in labour and childbirth
* Planning for Pregnancy
* Pregnancy Loss
* Preeclampsia and High Blood Pressure
* Prenatal Screening for Chromosomal and Genetic Conditions
* Red Blood Cell Alloimmunisation
* The First Few Weeks Following Birth
* Travelling during Pregnancy
* Umbilical Cord Blood Banking
* Vaginal Birth After Caesarean section
* Why your Weight Matters during Pregnancy